Meet one of our Essence dancers, Alyssa Ali

Tell us about one of your favourite past time’s?

I’m definitely a hobby jumper. I’ve always enjoyed being crafty and making things with my hands. I used to crochet a lot and sew my own clothes at one point. Now with 2 young kids at home when I get any free time to myself I usually just binge watch any true crime or thriller shows.

Favourite food?

That’s always been a hard one for me to choose because it’s pretty close between pizza and tacos. 

What do you do for a living? 

Currently I’m a stay at home mom but I’m close to finishing up school for medical transcription and healthcare documentation.

Where are you currently on your path of life?

I’ve been married for just over 5 years and I have 2 kids 3 and under who keep me wildly busy.

What got you into dance? 

I’ve been dancing for as long as I can remember. Ballet class started at the age of 2 and by 8 I was dancing competitively. I danced up until I started university and took a very long break until just over a year ago when I started dancing at essence movement studio.

What was your relationship with dance? What is it currently? 

I was always the kid with a lot of energy and personality but always felt I had to tone it down. Dance was my outlet to be myself. I was allowed to be loud and silly and it encouraged. I’ve never been much of a communicator when it came to emotions or talking through whatever I was feeling so I danced through it. When I stopped dancing that aspect of myself never changed but I lost the space to let all those feelings out and buried them instead. Fast forward a decade and 2 kids later burying those emotions didn’t come as easily. Getting back into dance has given me that safe space back. To be my true self again and not a toned down version. To find healing in the movement.

What was the reason you joined Essence Movement Studio? 

My best friend who I had danced with most of my life joined essence long before I did and had been trying to get me to join with her for a long time. I had every excuse available, being pregnant, recently postpartum, not wanting to leave the baby, and so on until I had no excuses left so I joined. Truthfully, I needed something to look forward to, to live for, to give me the spark I needed to get my fire going again. Essence movement studio turnout out to be all the things I didn’t know how badly I needed.

How has essence movement studio affected your journey in dance and life? 

I feel like the longer I dance here the closer to my true self I get. It started slowly with just gaining more confidence in my body and how it moves. Feeling more confident and comfortable in the choices I would make with the clothing I wore. Caring less about how I would be perceived by others and caring more about how I felt in my own body and choices. After the physical confidence came the internal confidence. Loving and accepting who I am as a women at my core. Standing up for what I want and need from life. Cutting out those who weren’t prepared to accept the boundaries I was now no longer afraid to put in place for my own mental and emotional health. I wasn’t afraid to speak up about the struggle I’ve had with my mental health my entire life, I wasn’t ashamed anymore and I was able to finally get the help I needed to change my life for the better. All these small changes started to cascade into something bigger. I found my dream career that fit with all my goals and I started schooling for it, my marriage improved, my ability to be the mother I wanted to be improved. I’ve found a peace within myself that I didn’t know existed or was possible and it’s beautiful.

What was one of your biggest take away from Jessica’s lessons?

The one thing that has stuck the most is that we are not responsible for how others perceive us. I used to worry about the things I said or the way I said them worried someone would take it the wrong way. Even when choosing the words to use to describe the dance classes I was taking, worried someone might perceive me a certain way. I no longer waste time worrying about these things. I am here living for myself. Putting out into the world myself as authentically as I can. If someone takes negativity from the things I say or do that is a reflection of their own insecurities and has very little to do with me. This has given me a lot of peace back in my life.

What is one thing you love about our space? 

My favourite thing would have to be the acceptance and community of the women who dance here. I’ve never felt so uplifted by a group of women in my entire life. The support given free of judgement. The positivity is so powerful it generally walks any negativity out the door.

In your own words how would you describe essence movement studio and the services it provides to your friends? 

I would describe essence movement studio as a safe, inclusive, and judgement free space where women can connect deeply with themselves and others through a shared love of dance and movement. 

Tell the reader one thing they should know about our space and why they should consider joining us? 

If you feel like something is missing in your life but you’re not quite sure what that may be, join us at essence and you’ll find it. Everyone who shows up is on a different journey and different path in life, needing and wanting something different out of class yet together as a group we all find it.


Embrace, Empower, Explore: The path to radical Self-Love and total Badassery


Meet one of our Essence dancer’s, Mia