Embrace, Empower, Explore: The path to radical Self-Love and total Badassery

In all my 31 years of being a woman, there is no one more self critical or harsh than we are to ourselves. And can you blame us? Everywhere you turn society is screaming “you’re not enough”, followed by the promise of providing the antidote to our unworthiness. But who deemed us “unworthy”, if not from ourselves, and why have we chosen to believe in that narrative. If you do this you will be enough… Follow this diet, take these pills, get that filler etc, etc, etc. I could go on with the list of ‘just do this and you will be better for it’, but i'm going to spare us all because I know it is a lived reality. But it doesn't have to be.

For centuries women have been told all the ways in which they can be most favourable, as if we weren't already so. Society has wreaked havoc on us women: our intuitive abilities, our bodies, our minds and our entire being. I have watched my friends and family sacrifice their bodies in hopes that it would provide happiness and fulfilment. I have witnessed women lose their innate ability to connect to themselves and their life force energy just by simply losing themselves trying to be accepted by society's standards. Since when did ageing become less desirable? I too fell victim to it all.

“I used to be an extremist in the pursuit of fitting in, a chameleon if you will. Changing who I was in order to appease the group I was involved with.”

Always trying to be the person I thought they wanted me to be. I was either all in, or all out, all of the time. Seemingly happy and well put together on the outside, but depressed, lonely and unhappy on the inside. I fell for every fad diet imaginable and even at my smallest I was just as, if not, more unhappy than I ever was. There came a point in my life that I “hated” myself, and not in the way you might think, but I hated who I had become. I strayed so far out from who I truly was to please the people around me, including our society. I wanted so badly to be liked and accepted that I completely and totally disregarded myself, my boundaries and my values. I never wanted another woman to have to go through what I did. My journey was quite dark and heavy but it was all necessary in order for me to rediscover myself.

I never regret anything that I've had to live through because it has provided me with so much knowledge, compassion and understanding. I use everything I have experienced throughout my journey as a means to educate and empower other women to do the same. This is why I came up with the three pillars. These pillars are meant to help guide women to authentic, radical self love & total Badassery. Releasing themselves from the binds of people pleasing and stepping into their power with a big middle finger held up high to societal norms!

Embrace - Empower - Explore!

Before we dive deep into the three pillars, I want to take a moment to acknowledge that the path to authentic self love starts with acceptance. We must accept who and where we are currently, in the present moment, and show gratitude for how far we've come. As humans, we are constantly growing and evolving. Thats what makes this journey truly remarkable. You get to meet a new version of yourself over, and over, and over again, so long as you choose to. Acceptance is the stepping stone that will allow you to go deeper and access more of yourself using these three pillars.

In our first pillar, Intentional Movement, I teach my women how to trust their innate ability to tap into their bodies intuition. I help them go from ‘performative’ movement to ‘intentional’ or vulnerable movement.

The focus here is tuning out the outside world, and really settling into the comfort of their bodies. Listening to her cues as if she were communicating instructions.

We follow a “blueprint” of what the movement is but the magic comes from the ladies sprinkling a dash of their own Essence. How does the movement feel in the body? Where do we feel the most comfortable and where do we feel some resistance or hesitation? Why? .. these are some of the questions I get my women to ask themselves. A lot of the time we feel uncomfortable because that movement can stir up some unresolved, or stagnant energy/ or emotions which are usually tied to an experience; a limiting belief or a trauma response. Once they get clear on their answers, we work towards rewriting those stories and allowing ourselves to become more open and receptive (divine feminine energy). Which leads us to our second pillar.

Our second pillar is built on the sacredness of Sisterhood. For far too long women have been pitted against one another and forced into competition….

The sister wound runs deep…

…and dates back all the way to the 15th century when the witch trials began, but that's a topic for another day & another story. Genuine female connections are essential in our space. We understand how important it is to rebuild these connections and show women that there is enough room for us all. I always use the expression: there's enough room at the table for all of us to eat, because it's true. When one of us shines, the rest of us do as well. The goal is to create a more inclusive and supportive space for women to thrive collectively without judgement. A space where women can come together and share openly & vulnerably. A space for them to be SEEN by their sisters, celebrated for who they are, authentically.

This is one of my favourite parts about the work that I do, because healing how you see & show up for your sisters will ultimately change how you show up for yourself.

And last, but certainly not least is Self expression. This is the Queen of the three pillars because it is the most revolutionary aspect of them all. This is where you get to be YOU. However that means to you. I empower my women to find themselves through my classes. We use different modalities to help get you to the core of it all and really hone in on how you like to show up. We start with mirror work which is both liberating as it is intimidating. Nowhere to hide. Just you, with you. You will be challenged to connect with yourself on a level you've probably never had before. Next we move into eye gazing, both with yourself and your fellow women. Its a shame to me that women hesitate to “see” themselves. We look at ourselves every day but we never truly allow ourselves to be SEEN. This is the power of eye gazing. It lowers your walls and brings down those barriers - exposed for who you are. This is the exercise that requires the most love, openness and support as it has proven to be the hardest emotionally. It is hard to be seen, especially when you are discovering yourself all over again, or maybe for the very first time! The most important part in this pillar is actively choosing how you show up: in the clothes you choose to wear, the choices you make within the choreography, the connections you make and the way you hold yourself accountable!

Are you ready to break away from societal norms? Ready to reclaim who you are and take back your power? Are you willing to embark on the journey of radical self love and badassery? It would be my honour to help guide you back home to you. Join the Sisterhood and let us support you along the way.

Love Jess xx

Essence Movement Studio


Meet one of our Essence dancers, Alyssa Ali